Monday, October 6, 2008

Scientific Discovery!!

On Saturday I spent most of the day and part of the next morning at the house painting. 'Twas good fun with the legendary Lourie and the epic Pottsey stopping by to keep me company and share some laughs. And in the midst of that I managed to put the second coat on half the walls in the living room - YAY! But I digress.

So the scene is set - 12 hours of honest labor behind me as I wake up on Sunday, late morning-ish. After some monkeying about and a small amount of grocery shopping, I once again journeyed south to the painting cave. While waiting for Pottsey to come down I used the ingredients I had bought - 2 cans of chili (con carne) and 250g of prime cheddar. After simmering the chili on medium heat, I added the better part of 150g of said cheese (cubed) and stirred through till melted. After Pottsey arrived (30 sec after I took the chili-cheese wonderment off the stove) I put a bag of Doritos in a bowl, put the now identified dip in another bowl and served. Pottsey and I then did what we do best and consumed the glorious combination of (sort of) nacho chips and chili-cheese dip.

Now I can almost hear you thinking, "Why is the word 'SCIENCE' in the title???" Well, I'm glad you asked. After Pottsey and I consumed heaven on a plate, we found that we had a total lack of ability to continue painting, and, in fact, were about to fall asleep. So my scientific conclusion is:

"Good food combined with a late night prior leads to a complete lack of caring about anything."

Which is just fine with me!
And just for you, here's a basic recipe for you to enjoy:

Chili-cheese Dip
Can of Chili con carne (choose flavor based on taste) - Ratio = about 2 cans:3 people
Cheddar cheese, cubed
- Add to suit taste

Put the chili into a saucepan / small pot and simmer
Add cheese gradually
Stir continuously
Eventually raise heat to high, constantly stirring
Done when you can't find any bits of cheese
Put in a bowl and serve with favorite type of chip (fries are good too!)

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