Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Cheap Entertainment: Life In General


- Finish all sentences with "In accordance with the prophecy."

- Whenever possible, skip instead of walk.

- Stand in the middle of a walkway/path and stare up, pointing. (works better with a large group)

- Lie face down in the middle of a walkway/path, and when someone asks if you're ok, jump up and run away without saying anything.

- Play "air drums" in the middle of a public place. If possible, get a whole band.

- In a large group, stand in the middle of a walkway/path and dance without music.

- Walk toe-to-heel whenever possible.

- Jump after every 3rd / 4th step while walking.

- At the beach, play volleyball with an invisible ball.


Klara J said...

But when will you write a reeeeeeal blog? Eh??

Topher-o-Rama said...

When I have time to actually sit down and WRITE one of course! It's always easier to copy and paste then start something new! :-P

Klara J said...

Well my blog is www.klarajury.blogspot.com
Just sayin'...

Anonymous said...

it's true, you have a wonderfully complex brain, christopher, and we like hearing what's inside it! meanwhile, i just blog-raved about you two and hatti. i didn't mean to, it just came out - but it's in honour of all this blogging that's been happening.


(get it? like suit up?)